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Sunday, December 30, 2007 Y 8:49 AM

Right now, i should be studying for the test on monday. and yet, it turned out my hands are on the computer. It is really a temptation. =[[

Anyway, work hard xuelian!!

I just want to post some photos during christmas. ^^

What have i done:

Aunties and uncles organised a party at 9th aunt's house. My relatives from malaysia also came. That was indeed a heartwarming christmas. =]

my elder cousin from malaysia: Zhen and i ^^

my 1st younger cousin: Ah sin & i

ah bee and i

Ah yuan and i ( this was a candid shot) we both seemed sian o.o?

Note: the top 4 girls are sisters ^^

What is ah sin doing?? hmmm.

I think ah bee was being attacked by the hongkong leg.. -.-

After which i was told to take care of this really cute cousin. ^^

She was the one who requested to talk to kaixian when she called. ^^ Isn't she cute? Her name is also "xian".

smiling at the camera~~

This was what they did when i came back. All the children in this photo are my cousins!!

That's Jiale holding on to xian ^^

Another photo of her with her youngest brother beside her. I kept teasing him that i like his shirt. haa. He seemed proud of it too. ^^

That's Jiale's 1st brother ( huige) on the right and my other cousin ( kit) on the left holding on to a cute massager. =]They are always together.

That's my neice ^^ Not my cousins le. haha. There are one generation younger than us. Don't they seemed cute? they themselves are cousins with each other. I think the relationship is really complicated. haha.

It was heard from aunts that Zhen looked similiar to this neice of mine when she was younger. So, when there is zhen and ah ping, they will take a pic together. =]] * But i think she smiled more radiantly with her cousin. haha

Guess that's almost the end of my photos...

And there is this cute boy over here, who isn't my cousin but my aunt's friend's son. =]]

I like his smile and he is really cute.

Got to go. byee!! hw. hw.

Friday, December 28, 2007 Y 4:56 AM

am just back from the 2 days 1 night olg camp :)

Hmmm, my facial expression sounded quite strange right? ogl should be fun and interesting!!! Indeed it is not bad ba. A new experience for me since i am now the food attach ^^
I have got a post . =p

Post : Food Attach

It seems like i am proud of the attachment. =x
Anyway, the camp lasted 1 and a half day. I was late ( that's always the usual case =[).Mr Chuah gave some briefing after which we went on with mass dance. It was quite funny that shirlyn and i mixed up our roles as guy or girl while dancing as we are both ladies!!! ^^ Of which there were some intersection of roles in one dance. She gave in to me alot, and i played my role as " girl" for quite a few times more than her. Somehow, i still think a pair of different gender dancing mass dance will be better. At least not so confused and more fun!!

I think the moment that you have an attachment, it seemed as though you will have quite some time away from your family when there is family time. This is because we have to prepare one hour earlier before the eating time. =X But it is quite fun to be food attach cox it is nice serving food and you will know people from other family as well. As much as i can remember, there were two weis( weichuan& weikiat), one look -alike korea ambassador(joseph), xiaohua, beeting& aaron's friend ( xinlu).As well as my old friends: ^^ huixin & aaron from my class & kaixian from my primary school.
Through serving food, i think i really find that guys nowadays really can do household chores much better than the ladies. ^^ I mean, when they wash the utensils ( which is traditionally what women always do ) cleaner than us. ^^ IN fact, they seemed more experience. For me, i think i don't really do household chores at home, but outside. For eg during camping.-.-

The whole camp was rather tiring, there was the usual night games but it is different in its content . :) We have to solve a murder mystery.After it was given that the gardener killed the boss, I just wondered his motive. But it was not explained. =X Anyway, we have to catch the gardener- Jun hao.But it is sad that he was chased by so many of us that accidents are bound to happen. Get well soon !! =) Hmm,at night there was a fire drill at 4 pm, i thought it is supposed to be 5 pm. =[[[ sad la. Have to wake up so early. Luckily the amount of sleep is still manageable. At least , i feel like i have slept before but was awaken in deep sleep. ^^
During the song-singing session, i think Mr leow is right in bringing up that of the things that we enjoy it is all due to the efforts of others who make it come true to us. Eg: We enjoyed the games at the expense of the hard work of the games commitee members and We get our food served due to the efforts of the food commitee. I think i never thought about this before. =]So,ya , that was quite a good point. =]

The whole thing went well and we were dismissed at 10 ++ . ^^ yay!! HOME SWEET HOME!! :p

but I Think i am rather crazy. It seems that i have developed a habit to wash my clothes directly after i returned from the camp. -.-"" super tired right now. haha.

Gtg. enjoy the hols as it is going to be over. ^^

Am so happy that the maths test is postphoned to next mon. Isn't it great? I don't mind coming back during new year's eve as long as there are enough time to study for the test. ^^

Monday, December 24, 2007 Y 10:48 PM

Merry X'mas eve!!

Last christmas, i give you my heart ...

I sort of like this song, they kept on playing it when i was working last year. =]]

Anyway, today was like a wasted day. I didn't did much stuff. Only read carbonyl notes.I heard that ogls are going to have their maths test this week which seems to be like a super doubly bad news.. why!!! If i have test this week, i am sure am a goner case. =[

Anyway, yesterday natalie invited me to her church as well as kaixin to watch some christmas drama. I think the drama was ok. ^^ The actors act rather well and the sound effect and screening are real good. Well, i think that day was the day i expand my social cicle. She also invited some jjc's friends. They were alright and some were of familiar faces.But after which i think we lost contact with each other. IN the end, nat and i and kaixin went with some other of her church friends. They were step, ryul , vent& brendon. strange name i guess. hee. no offence. :)

They seemed friendly, really. I think it was a fun time at JP where we ate and crack jokes. =)

Ok, gtg. blog next time. rushing. =p

Saturday, December 22, 2007 Y 9:25 AM

Opps. i am finally back. The blog has just slept enough and woken up. =]

Anyway, there are alot of things to post about.
Before everyone knew it, the holidays are going to be gone soon. =[
That's really sad and stressful for someone who haven't complete her homework and that's none other than me, the lead character. xD

Ok, i gonna post some photos. =]

>xian and i at Queensway one day

>Ms xian with her limbs all stuck in the lift =]

>That's a photo i heard she likes alot, isn't it nice to put it here? =] This remind me of a passport size photo. ><

Some photos of an outing with my secondary school friends (clique) : ^^

DATE:18 DEC 2007

A group photo 06 rocks!

Kaining and singyee happily singing

let's post for a big picture

The 2 singyi! ( singyee + xingyi)

After much persuation, audrey sang. and her voice is superb gentle and sweet. =]

Audrey not happy with me.o.o?

Isn't that weird that shila is busy drinking water rather than singing? hmmm..
She didn't sang much at the end. But i knew she enjoyed herself. lalala~

A duet ?

another duet?

Opps. i see two stones here. XD

Pretty xingyi posing before singing

Yes! xingyi and i! the 2 who always sit at the front of class 4A 2006.

shila stoning again. she seems bored.

We finally decided to stop stoning.. xD

It's finally shila's turn to sing. She was singing a malay song. Isn't that cool??!

I think audrey is tired of stoning that she wants shila to stop too? hmmm. =]

-cough- i wonder what is kaining doing. LOL.

singing till they freezing? hmmm

The last group photo^^

with kaining busy packing her bag. (><)

The big christmas tree.

Got to go. see you!

Merry xmas!!

Me, Myself & i!

? iloveyou :D


i'm 19th &&officially over 18
i <3 cliques, friends&& my family & i'm just me:D


{?}another identity
{?}new handphone
{?}digital camera to call my own
{?}change hairstyle
{?}to wear no sleeves worry-free
{?}more clothes

Crappy craps


Music Playlist at MixPod.com {?}


Do not remove the credit :D
Designer : Irisris-loveeIrisWong x o x o